TDQ Tech And Showcase Day!!

PMSIt may be the madness that comes with March itself, or it may be that we’re still stunned by this ridiculous winter, but whatever the reason, we are once again combining two great things for a TDQ Tech and TDQ Showcase piece. Our pals at The The GrinderyGrindery bring you Google autonomous vehicle news, and we’ve also got a really cool PMS Comics montage comic.

Seems like old times, kids. Enjoy.

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TDQ Tech And… Wait For It… Showcase, TOO!

PMSThe GrinderyWhat’s that, you say? We can’t do both a TDQ Tech and a TDQ Showcase on the same day? Son, it’s the new year. The Mayans were wrong, so there are no rules! If we want to show off some Grindery goodness AND some PMS Comics, we’re going to by-God do it!


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TDQ Tech For The Week Of 11/19/12

The GrinderyThis week’s TDQ Tech features a Grindery commentary that all dorks need to hear. If we had been spoken to like this our freshman year in college, we would have gotten a lot more dates. Like, a lot. Damn.

The Grindery once again shows why it should have been around years ago. If we could invent time travel, The Grindery would be the first thing we would tell ourselves about in the past. Well, that, and don’t buy Facebook at its IPO.

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TDQ Tech For The Week Of 11/12/12

The GrinderyThis week’s TDQ Tech features a Grindery article written by that Facebook cat, that Mark Zuckerberg dude. He actually makes tons of sense in this commentary, too. Who knew?

Man, we really wish we’d known that the sensible thing would be for him to take a break from Facebook. We totally would have never thought of that ourselves. Too bad we de-friended like 58 people leading up to the election. Oh, well. They were all jerks anyway.

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