Source: Taylor Swift’s Representatives “Crazy Livid” That Some Magazines Didn’t Put Her On The Cover Of Their December Issue

National Geographic

If Taylor Swift can’t make people care about rising sea levels caused by melting polar ice then no one can.

New York—It seems that not everything is going as great as we thought for former country star-turned pop queen Taylor Swift, if reports coming out of her camp are true. You may have noticed that Swift’s face has graced just about every magazine cover in every checkout lane in the country this month, but not every major publication felt the need to plaster the songstresses face on their mag. And that’s not sitting so well with some of her people.

“They better understand the magnitude of this situation,” an unnamed source close to Swift told TDQ. “If National Geographic ever wants a sit down with Tay-tay ever in this or the next lifetime, they need to yank off those pics of Aborigines spear-fishing in Uganda or where the hell ever and get with the program.”

Field & Stream

Taylor knows all about catch and release, and how there are other fish in the sea.

In keeping with her tradition of only putting herself on the cover of her monthly magazine, O, Oprah Winfrey is also under fire for not putting Swift “somewhere on there, for God’s sake. Oprah’s lost weight, you can fit a photo of both of them on there, am I right?”

Field & Stream is also apparently on the naughty list in Swift’s camp, preferring to show, rather than the singer-songwriter, “some damn hunting knife or a dead deer or some stupid thing. I mean, really?

Swift’s latest record, 1989, is the first and, so far, only album to go platinum in 2014, which some in the record industry is a reflection of the new reality of internet music and pirating of songs. “It is for this very reason,” said magazine and journalism expert Eugene McLarty, “that we may never see Ms. Swift on the cover of a National Geographic or a Popular Mechanics ever again.”

O Magazine

O say can you see…Taylor Swift with her own magazine T?

Not that that sits well with Swift’s camp. “It’s Taylor f—ing Swift. Get her on your magazine cover or get ready to fold up shop.”

“It’s nothing against her, truly. It’s the nature of the beast now,” McLarty said. “And speaking of beasts, it’s also unlikely she’ll ever be on the cover of Fangoria, either. Sorry.” Continue reading

“I Get To Lose Myself In My Work:” A TDQ Q&A With Costume Designer Marina Toybina

Marina Toybina

Marina Toybina’s latest Emmy award was for a costume that appeared in the 55th annual Grammy Awards. All she needs now is Tony award for a costume used in a musical based on the Oscar awards and she will have an E.G.O.T.!

This week’s TDQ Q&A is with Emmy Award-winning costume designer Marina Toybina. Marina spoke with us about her Russian roots, her designer inspirations and what it’s like dressing Hollywood’s biggest names. Here is this week’s TDQ Q&A With Marina Toybina:

The Daily Quarterly: What made you want to be a costume designer?

Marina Toybina: I’ve been designing for quite some time now and have had the pleasure and the opportunity to experience all sides of design. Costume design feels to be the most appropriate world for me, at least for right now. I get to lose myself in my work; where I can truly express my creativity and imagination to its full potential.

TDQ: Who was your favorite designer growing up? 

MT: Alexander McQueen and Eiko Ishioka.

TDQ: You have worked with such stars as Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Carrie Underwood, Avril Lavigne and Justin Bieber, just to name a few… Who has been the most fun to work with? 

MT: All of these great artists have been a dream to work with. Each experience differs from the other and I’ve been very fortunate to say the least, to be able to design in such diverse measures.

TDQ: What is the best advice you have ever gotten?

MT: To quit on my dreams and find something else that will offer me stability and “normalcy”….this particular advice made me risk it all and do the complete opposite. I’m beyond grateful that words of negativity had a different outcome for me.
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Amanda Bynes To Play Taylor Swift In Upcoming Bio Pic

White Horse

Amanda Bynes is Taylor Swift in White Horse: The Taylor Swift Story.

New York—Despite a recent string of bizarre tweets, photos and arrests, things aren’t all bad for twice-retired-unretired actress Amanda Bynes. Sources confirmed yesterday that the former star of “The Amanda Show” has just been cast as Taylor Swift in an upcoming bio pic of the famous country star.

The film, tentatively titled “White Horse,” is set to begin filming this fall in Nashville and Vancouver, which will double as Swift’s hometown in Pennsylvania.

“Crazy excited, yl’all (sic)” Bynes tweeted last night when her reps confirmed the casting. “Gonna shoe (sic) the haters they can all suck it when I get my oscar 4 this movie!!!”

Bynes went on to compare her upcoming performance to also-recently-in-trouble-with-the-law actress Reese Witherspoon, who won an Academy Award for her portrayal of June Carter Cash in “Walk the Line.” “If Rese (sic) can win a (sic) oscar for playing a music lady, you beter (sic) believe I sure as hell can!”

It is unclear how much involvement Swift herself will have with the film, but some sources said they aren’t ruling out a cameo, maybe “as Carrie Underwood or something crazy meta like that!”
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Pope Benedict XVI Resigns To Open Bed And Breakfast Outside Venice

Benedict's Bed & Breakfast

Benedict’s Bed & Breakfast has a perks list that few can rival.

Vatican City, Italy—After several weeks of soul-searching (literally), Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XVI, announced his resignation after nearly eight years as head of the Catholic Church. The pope said it’s been a great ride, but he never shut the door on his dream of wanting to own a bed and breakfast, and decided that now was the time.

“It’s just, you know, something I’ve always wanted to do,” the pope, 85, said. “And I figured it’s now or never, so here we go.”

The pope put a down payment on a small villa in a village just outside Venice, and with a little restoration and “some Papal elbow grease, if you will” he said, he hopes to open up the B&B by the end of the summer.

“Sure, I’ll miss some things,” the pope said. “It’s a good gig. I got to see that movie ‘Skyfall’ before it hit theaters, that was pretty cool. And I have no problem getting great seats when rock stars are in town. I do wish I could have seen Taylor Swift do a show live, though. That would have been cool.”
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TDQ Investigates: That Time We Tricked Notre Dame Football Player Manti Te’o Into Falling For Us Over The Internet

Lennay Kekua

Behind the scenes at an official The Daily Quarterly Lennay Kekua photoshoot.

Okay. We admit it. It was us. We were behind the whole plot to trick Manti Te’o into thinking that he was dating and in love with a Stanford University coed who died of leukemia shortly before the big game his senior year. We had a good laugh, and it was a lot of fun, but it looks like the jig is up. Good on you, Deadspin. You got almost everything right.

So why would we spend nearly four years perpetrating a hoax to trick some football player and make up all these fake Twitter and Facebook accounts and fake pictures and clandestine meetings in Hawaii and fake car accidents and death from leukemia? We were bored. And he seemed like a nice enough guy. And who do you think paid for the trips to Hawaii? The University of Notre Dame Athletic Dept. of course!

The tawdry details aren’t really all that important. Just suffice it to say that we were inspired by our good friends Stephen Glass and Clifford Irving in starting the whole thing. It took a lot of time, good excuses and Hollywood makeup to really keep the charade aloft. And, we take some pride, thank you very much, on Manti nearly winning the Heisman Trophy and his team playing for the National Championship thanks to the inspiration he and the entire team felt after our “death” in September.
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