“I Secretly Hoped That I Would Somehow Become A Disney Princess One Day:” A TDQ Q&A With Actress And Miss Asia USA 2016 Ashley Park

Ashley Park

Ashley Park

This week’s TDQ Q&A is with actress Ashley Park. The current Miss Asia USA spoke to us about her role in “Rogue Warrior: Robot Fighter,” her gig as Miss Asia USA and her background as an athlete. Here is this week’s TDQ Q&A with actress Ashley Park:

The Daily Quarterly: What made you want to be in show business?

Ashley Park: As a child, I always knew that being an actress was something that I wanted very badly. At the time, however, it simply wasn’t in the cards for me. Once my athletic career was over, I found myself yearning for that childhood dream again. I started taking acting classes, and found that I loved it even more than I had anticipated.

TDQ: Who was your favorite actress growing up?

AP: My favorite actress growing up was definitely Audrey Hepburn. I was given the movie “My Fair Lady” at a very young age, and I memorized every song and almost every line of her dialogue in the film, accent and all. I have always been a huge fan of hers!

Ashley Park

We don’t know if Disney is rebooting Snow White but we think it’s time and we think Ashley Park should be the model.

TDQ: What was your favorite movie growing up?

AP: My favorite movie growing up was “My Fair Lady,” but I also loved every Disney movie on the market. I owned practically every Disney princess movie that was released, and I memorized all of the songs. I think I secretly hoped that I would somehow become a Disney princess one day.
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The “Wrong” Richard Sherman Accidentally Tapped To Write Score For New Disney Movie

Sherman And Sherman

Richard Sherman the football player, left, was mistaken by a younger production assistant for long time Disney songwriter Richard Sherman, right.

Los Angeles—Well, despite his blossoming fame and recent success in Super Bowl X…LM whatever 48 is in Roman, it seems that not everything is shiny happy people in Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman’s world.

It appears, according to unnamed sources, that a production assistant’s mix-up has led to footballer and Stanford alum Richard Kevin Sherman being offered the opportunity to score the next Disney/Pixar film, instead of Disney composer stalwart Richard Morton Sherman.

And what may be an even bigger surprise, Richard (NFL player) Sherman has actually turned in a catalog of songs to Disney execs. However, the results have been deemed “a bad example for children,” despite the obvious, if perplexing, talent he clear talent he has for writing songs quickly.

“The film isn’t titled yet,” said a source close to the situation, “but it’s a lesser-known, untapped Hans Christian Anderson tale. But as of right now, it’s in development hell because of a newly-needed rewrite.”

Richard Morton Sherman, played by either the temp from “The Office” or that annoying kid from “Rushmore,” depending on which source you believe, has not  commented on the matter. Disney, too, is trying to shush the story it seems, “feeling more embarrassed than the Monday after ‘John Carter’ opened. They don’t want anything to do with him, and are thrilled that he didn’t do one of those ‘I’m going to Disneyland!’ commercials.”
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Horrible, Irresponsible Single Father Catching Grief From Ex-Wife For Taking His Three Daughters To See “Frozen”

Snow QueenCharlotte, NC—Foolishly, weakly giving in to the whims of his three little girls, single dad Dr. Gene Cera took his daughters to see Disney’s “Frozen” last Saturday afternoon, and his ex-wife I having none of it.

“I myself haven’t watched the movie, and I have zero plans to, but he should have known better,” said Cera’s ex-wife, Delilah Michaels. “But every blog I read says it’s completely anti-feminist and only shows how women, even so-called ‘strong women’ are incapable of going on an adventure with a man and not falling in love with him, and how women who truly are strong and do have powers are seen as monsters, and how even parents are afraid of their daughters showing the powers they are blessed with and making them bottle them up and hide them from the world.”

When asked what would possess him to take his daughters to such a dangerous, damaging film, Dr. Cera said, “I didn’t-I never thought-I mean, the girls said they wanted to go. It was my weekend with them, so I took them to a movie. I don’t see the big deal.”

But Micheals said this is just another in a long series of bumbling errors in judgment that her ex-husband has made since their daughters were born. “He just doesn’t think. I don’t understand. He has a Ph.D. and two masters degrees, but clearly they aren’t in sensitivity. He continuously buys our children dolls and other toys that don’t promote gender neutrality, and I’m forced to play the bad police officer to his good police officer, and I have to take the toys away from them and explain that the toys are dangerous and don’t convey the ideals that I’m trying to instill in them. I have to be constantly vigilant against not only American culture, but their own male parental figure. It’s tiresome. And emotionally draining.”
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TDQ Investigates: Help Me, J.J. Abrams, You’re My Only Hope

Trek Wars

The world must come to grip with the fact that it is one time-travel plot device away from a Star Wars/Star Trek mash-up.

The texts and e-mails started pouring in to us here at The Daily Quarterly as soon as it seemingly became official that “Lost” co-creator and “Star Trek” reboot director J.J. Abrams had signed on to direct the next “Star Wars” film, “Episode VII: Let’s Hope This One’s Better Than the Last Three.”

When news broke back in October that Disney had paid George Lucas just a bit more for the “Star Wars” franchise than Han got for rescuing Princess Leia, Abrams denied that he would be directing the next movie, since he had already directed “Star Trek,” and everybody knows you have to be invested whole hog in either one or the other, not both.

But now that he’s changed his mind, we obviously have to weigh in here. And here is the official TDQ position on this: cautiously optimistic, we are.

I mean, it’s not like Abrams can do much worse with the next trilogy than Lucas himself did with the prequel trilogy.
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Harrison Ford Curses At, Hangs Up On Reporter Who Called Him For A “Where Are They Now” TV Segment

Harrison Ford, IMDB

We are going to have to side with Australian reporter Ollie Wilcher on this one. We looked up Harrison Ford on IMDB and we don’t recognize any of his films.

Los Angeles—With the recent news about “Star Wars” creator George Lucas selling his empire to the Disney company a few weeks ago, interest in the sci-fi mega-franchise once again peaked within the media, and some foreign television news agencies thought it would be a good idea to do a “Where are they Now?” segment on the franchise’s stars.

But when Ollie Wilcher, a TV reporter from Bisbane, Australia got on the phone with Han Solo himself, Harrison Ford, to interview him about his life and career after “Star Wars,” Ford, known to be a bit prickly with the press anyway, was rather miffed that the reporter didn’t know about Ford’s turn as Indiana Jones or his roles in “Witness” or “The Fugitive.”

“I’m not sure what’s more pathetic,” Ford was recorded as saying to the reporter. “That you yourself haven’t heard of ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ or ‘Witness,’ or that you’re too lazy to do some research. They do have the internet in Australia, don’t they? You have access to this IMDB thing I’ve read about? Maybe Google ‘Harrison Ford’ before you get on the phone with me? Jackass.” Continue reading