Pro-tip: Table tennis really works the abs, as evidenced by USA Table Tennis Hall of Famer, coach, and author Larry Hodges.
This week we spoke to USA Table Tennis Hall of Fame Coach and writer Larry Hodges. Larry schooled us on where to put the hyphen when we mistakenly refer to table tennis as “ping pong,” shares the hate mail he and everybody else in the table tennis world got because of our recent article about him and Brad Pitt and reveals what keeps him awake at night. Here is this week’s
TDQ Q&A with Larry Hodges:
The Daily Quarterly: How did you hear about
Larry Hodges: The chairman of the USA Table Tennis Coaching Committee did some sort of table tennis search, and found the hilarious spoof of Brad Pitt doing a movie based on my book, “Table Tennis Tales & Techniques.” He emailed me, and that’s how I found out both about the spoof and The Daily Quarterly. When I saw it, I felt like someone had yanked the rug out from under me – understandable, since The Daily Quarterly is just an anagram for “yearly quilt hatred.”
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