Cooties Patient, Kenny Bailey, 7, heading for the school nurse. Bailey’s principal said the regret of letting Bailey take his Cootie outbreak to this extreme was immediate.
Willard, OH—The second grader who contracted cooties while working with a charity organization in the public library arrived yesterday at the area elementary school where he will receive treatment in one of the most sophisticated isolation units in the country.
Kenny Bailey, 7, climbed out of the school’s golf cart with the help of another person, who steadied the young man as they walked the short length to an entrance at the school. Bailey was dressed in a red hooded biocontainment suit while his guide also wore elaborate protective gear.
The school nurse administered preliminary medical tests on Bailey upon his arrival to the facility, and provided him with an aspirin, according to representatives of the school board. Following the testing, Bailey was able to meet with his new teacher for about 10 minutes “She said he was in great spirits and extremely grateful,” a spokesman said.
Bailey arrived at his new school at 11:20 a.m. ET in a Dodge Minivan specially outfitted with containment equipment and an overhead DVD player showing Disney’s “Frozen,” a representative said in a statement. The arrival and transfer was “uneventful,” said area crossing guard James Newman, adding, “We are pleased about that.”
The classroom where Bailey will be a student “has unique equipment and infrastructure that provide an extraordinarily high level of clinical isolation,” and is one of only four of its kind in the country, the elementary school principal said in a statement. Teachers and hall monitors are specifically trained and practiced in treating “this type of student (with cooties),” the school added.