Warner Brothers Confirms Remake Of 1992 “Classic” “Freejack” Starring Taylor Kinney



Burbank, CA—Warner Brothers actually took the time yesterday to call a press conference and announce to a large contingency of entertainment journalists who obviously had better things to do that they will begin filming next month of a remake of the 1992 “movie” “Freejack.” 

The original “film,” which starred Emilio Estevez, Rene Russo and Anthony Hopkins, was SPOILER ALERT: about a Formula One racecar driver who was pulled from his car mere seconds before dying in a terrible auto wreck during a race, and is brought to the future to inhabit Anthony Hopkins’ body so he can trick Rene Russo into falling in love with him. Or something like that. And Mick Jagger chases Estevez a lot throughout the “movie” also. 

Warner Brothers spokesman Eli Pierce said the studio is in final negotiations with the cast, and that the entire company is abuzz with excitement over the new project. 

“We know that sci-fi fans have literally been clamoring for another ‘Freejack’ film. I honestly get scores, dozens of letters in the mail every day from fans of the first film who have either loved it for more than 25 years, or have recently been introduced to the picture, who tell us how great it is,” Pierce said. “We know they’re excited, and this is for them.”

Pierce confirmed that Eloise Mumford has been cast in the role played by Rene Russo in the 1992 version, with Taylor Kinney playing the role originated by Emilio Estevez and John Hannah as the old man played by Anthony Hopkins originally. Denzel Washington has signed on to play the Mick Jagger character. 

Pierce said no writer has been attached to the project yet, and no director has been blackmailed into having his name associated with this impending train wreck. Filming is expected to begin in Atlanta in early August. 

Peter Dinklage To Play E.T. In Reboot Planned For 2020

Peter Dinklage as ET

We have been told that, despite what we see in this pre-production spy shot, the final costume will use practical effects almost entirely. All other scenery and set work will be computer generated. A spokesperson from Mr. Dinklage’s team says the studio has assured them the final costume will be tasteful.

Los Angeles— Fans of the HBO mega-hit “Game of Thrones” finally now know what the show’s creators as well as its biggest star will be doing once the show finishes its 8th and final season in 2019.  

D.B. Weiss and partner David Benioff announced yesterday that they’ve been given the green light to reboot Steven Spielberg’s alien epic, “E.T.” And they will working with an actor for the role that they’ve become very familiar and friendly with the past few years: Peter Dinklage.

“We-I’d guess we probably talked about using CGI for ‘E.T.’ for maybe 10 seconds,” Weiss said. “But then we figured we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to use Pete if we could get him. And we did. He said he’s all in. And we all know he’ll be great.”

The duo were also thrilled to get the blessing of Spielberg himself. “Ste-Mr. Spielberg, excuse me, called us up while we were filming in Malta last week and said he’s excited to see the new twist we would bring to the story,” Benioff said. 

A reboot has been in the Hollywood rumor mill for years, with every well-known director from J.J. Abrams to Bryan Singer to Jon Favreau attached at different times. But Weiss and Benioff said their great chemistry and the timing of them finally finishing up “Game of Thrones” just worked out wonderfully. “The stars just aligned, as it were,” Benioff said.

Other roles in the reboot that have been cast besides Dinklage include Giselle Eisenberg as young Gert, the loudmouthed little sister played by Drew Barrymore in the original; Nancy Travis as the mom originally played by Dee Wallace Stone; Jacob McCarthy as Michael, the older brother played by Robert MacNaughton originally; and Gaten Matarazzo as Elliot, the boy who finds and befriends “E.T.” 

Weiss confirmed that filming would begin on “E.T.” in Majorca shortly after they finished editing the final season of “Game of Thrones,” and he was excited to show how “E.T.” would interact with modern-day society “with all its dragons, magic, corruption and frozen walking zombies, then use an iPad to phone home. It’ll be great.”

Superhero Series “OMEGA 1” Eyes Relaunch As Comic, Live-Action Series – Kickstarter Campaign Launches

Special to The Daily Quarterly

Like the recent restoration of The X-Files, Twin Peaks, Roseanne, Pizza Hut’s All-You-Can-Eat deal and Sangria magazine, popular superhero comic book series OMEGA 1 is eyeing a relaunch in print– and with it, a new-live action series!

OMEGA 1 is an action/adventure comic book series featuring female superhero “Meg Visalia” aka “Omega 1,” a genetically modified she-weapon that protects and delivers information in these new times.

Recently launched on Kickstarter, a crowdfunding campaign that will ideally result in the long-awaited fifth and sixth issues of OMEGA 1 and an overdue catch-up with the hero we need right now, Meg Visalia. If that comics crowdfunder is successful, it’ll help pave the way for a new live-action series!

The OMEGA 1 franchise, which was developed in 2007 by Mark Edward Lewis and Alina Andrei, was a bonafide sensation – with those early comics selling out at various conventions around the globe.

Says co-creator Lewis, “We were at a Denny’s restaurant bemoaning the state of affairs we found ourselves in back in 2006. We knew the hacking of our private and banking information was only going to get worse – and at the same time – we hated how female superheroes and role model television shows were being scoffed at and cancelled after a few episodes. The two issues didn’t really have anything to do with the other until we decided to make a series that addressed both. And so Omega 1 was born. We created a world which exists post World War III – a war of information theft and manipulation instead of bombs and bullets. In this world, women have to fight like men to live and work, and femininity is something which has been lost. Our lead characters discover both the secrets of the hackers and of how to be powerfully female in a world that demands male results. We’re very proud of how this story brings awareness of the hacker situation which is now, here in 2018, far worse than we ever imagined back in 2006, and how the time for female empowerment in media has finally arrived. The time for Omega 1 is now.”

OMEGA 1 brings together the talents of Hollywood veteran Mark Edward Lewis, with DC, Boom, and Dark Horse artist Emmanuel Xerx Javier, and dynamite Hollywood actress Alina Andrei. Together, they span franchises like “Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N.,” “Star Trek: New Voyages,” “Knight Rider,” “The Orville,” “Fear the Walking Dead” and comics such as “Doppleganger,” “Executive Outcomes,” “The Rest of Heaven was Blue” and “Nightbreed.”

Synopsis : 2023 saw the advent of World War III, but it was a war of information: the Hacker War. Now, the only way to securely transmit data is hand-delivery via highly skilled couriers. Working for the premiere courier company is OMEGA 1, a genetically enhanced she-weapon who is deadly with a sword, fist fights with firearms and can draw metal to herself. She searches for her lost identity while trying to keep herself and her clients’ data in tact. Along with her extraordinarily gifted friends in the company, she must piece together her past to uncover a conspiracy for global control and Aryan genocide. But when she discovers the people responsible for the Hacker War are family, Omega quickly finds herself in ongoing dilemma that juxtaposes her incredible ability to kill and destroy against her heart for love and care.

For more about OMEGA 1, go to their website. And be sure to check out the OMEGA 1 page and follow the comic on .

The Thorough, In-Depth “Star Wars Episode VIII ‘The Last Jedi'” Movie Review We Promised You, And The Internet Needs And TDQ Readers Deserve

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Spoiler Alert: People are better off with Luke in their life.

On occasion, with the help of certain Canadian super agents we know who live in Los Angeles, we get invites to various movie premieres and awesome parties. But we didn’t want to big-time you, our readers, when experiencing the latest “Star Wars” flick. We wanted to experience it the same way as you coal miners, dishwashers and blue-collar workers that make up our core audience: in the trenches with tickets we bought ourselves, with holes in the seats and dried Coke on the floor. 

And so we went opening night to experience the latest installation of the saga and sat in the last row of the theater at a 10:30 showing on a regular, non-Imax, non-3D screen.

And it was pretty good. It was by far the funniest “Star Wars” film. No doubt. Keep reading for the plot, and at the end of the piece, I’ll give you all the spoilers you can handle. 

We must admit we never saw the beginning of this film coming at the end of the last one. When Rey finds Luke at the top of his island mountain home that the Swiss Family Robinson would envy, he is so depressed at how Ben Solo/Kylo Ren turned out and all the mistakes he made over the course of his life, that he is this close to ending it all. He is certain that everyone in his life would have been better off if he’d never been born.

But in comes his guardian angel, Rey. She spends the next 152 minutes showing Luke exactly how worse off everyone would have been had he not been born: his wife Mary would have been a spinster all her life; his old boss, Mr. Gower, would have done time when he botched a prescription for a kid’s medicine had Luke not caught it; and all those people on the Navy transport that his little brother saved by shooting down that kamikaze pilot would have died had Luke not jumped in the frozen lake to save him when they were kids. 

I somehow glossed over a lot of the important stuff in Luke’s early life, I guess I need to go back and watch the other films this weekend. 

But overall, Rey does a great job showing Luke why he shouldn’t jump off that bridge, earning her own wings in the process. It was a truly feel-good movie all around. 

Now for the promised spoilers:

The identity of Supreme Leader Snoke is revealed. He is Keyser Soze.

“Rosebud” is shown to be the name Luke gave to his lightsaber. 

We find out who Rey’s parents are thanks to an unexpected cameo by Maury Povich. They are Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

“Star Wars Episode I” is shown to be, in reality, just a long dream experienced by Pamela Ewing. The movie ends with Patrick Duffy in the shower. 

If you do end up ruining the movie for your loser friends before they watch it, go ahead and blame Jar Jar Binks. That’s what we do. 

You are now informed. Go and do likewise. 

Selena Gomez So Desperate To Stay In The Spotlight That She Steals Kidney From Her Best Friend

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez, mobbed by fans, leaving her hospital room wearing a very elegant Dior hospital gown.

In a scene reminiscent of Tom Cruise’s “Minority Report,” (I think it was that one. The scene where he is blind and moving around that apartment holding onto strings that lead him to the fridge but he grabs the spoiled milk instead of the fresh milk. That one. That movie. Is that “Minority Report?” Or is it “Vanilla Sky?” No, it couldn’t be “Vanilla Sky.” I never watched “Vanilla Sky.” Which is weird, because I usually watch all of Cameron Crowe’s movies. I even enjoyed “Singles.” But I never watched “Vanilla Sky.”) pop princess and former would-be wizard Selena Gomez had a kidney transplant recently, with the help of her best friend, Francia Raisa. (I thought Demi Lovato was her best friend. Hmmmm. I must be getting old. I can’t keep track anymore). 

Gomez suffers from lupus, and needed a kidney. The operation was performed earlier this summer.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez, post kidney surgery, pushes through the throngs of admiring fans. Paparazzi we surprised by the backless Dior hospital gown which put Selena’s surgery scar in plain view.

(Dammit, this is really going to bug me. I guess I ought to go and stream “Minority Report” and confirm if that’s the thing I’m thinking of. But it’s so depressing that his kid gets killed. I can’t watch movies like that anymore. I still haven’t watched “Mystic River” or “Gone Baby Gone.” I can’t do it. And I like Casey Affleck’s films. I say his films, because he clearly is a jerk. From what I’ve read. He was okay in “The Coward that Shot Jesse James” or whatever the heck it was called. That was a long movie, though. And as usual, Garret Dillahunt was good in that movie. He’s good in every movie he’s in. I really enjoyed him in “No Country for Old Men.” That was good. Incidentally, I asked around the office who would give me a kidney if I needed it, and suddenly everybody had a meeting to go to, even the interns. Except one intern, Matt. He said he’d give me a kidney. But that kid drinks Mountain Dew and Red Bulls non-stop. Like literally. Thanks, but no thanks, Matt.) 

But we wish Selena and her bestie, whoever she is, a speedy recovery.