Wichita Falls, TX- A self-proclaimed “somewhat ‘Transformers’ fan but mega-huge ‘Haiz’ fan” has started an online petition to have actress-singer Hailee Steinfeld, who recently starred in the critically-acclaimed “Transformers” prequel “Bumblebee,” digitally inserted into every episode of the original 1980s “Transformers” cartoon, as well as all other animated “Transformers” media.
Corbin Spencer said he grew up watching the show, based on toys created by Hasbro and which aired from 1984 to 1987. He said he was very disappointed with the first few live-action “Transformers” movies, but his faith has been restored since the franchise cast his favorite actress as the lead in the most recent film. “The character she plays, Charlie Watson, is so much better than every other human character in the cartoons,” he said.

In fact, he has been a huge fan of Steinfeld for years, and this is not the first petition he has started along similar lines. “I tried to get the same thing done to the original ‘True Grit’ after that came out,” Spencer said. “Put her in the movie over the original actress (Kim Darby), spruce that version up some. But some blowhard from the Estate of John Wayne or somebody put the kibosh on that. Whatever.”
Spencer said he has no clue the cost involved or the technology necessary in putting Steinfeld into 35 year-old cartoons, but he isn’t too concerned. “We’re putting men on the moon now and cloning sheep.” he said. “We have holograms of dead musicians performing live concerts. You’re gonna tell me there isn’t some egghead scientist somewhere can digitally splice this country’s greatest young actress into some cartoons? Get the hell out of here!”
As of this posting, the petition had more than 874,000 signatures. Hasbro has not yet commented publicly about the petition.
Spencer admitted he was only initially intent on putting Steinfeld into the cartoons, but he could conceivably see the Oscar and Golden Globe nominated actress digitally inserted into the earlier “Transformers” films too. “I mean, let’s be honest, who in their right mind would miss Shia LaBeouf? I sure as hell wouldn’t. Good riddance.”