Selena Gomez So Desparate To Stay In The Spotlight That She Steals Kidney From Her Best Friend

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez, mobbed by fans, leaving her hospital room wearing a very elegant Dior hospital gown.

In a scene reminiscent of Tom Cruise’s “Minority Report,” (I think it was that one. The scene where he is blind and moving around that apartment holding onto strings that lead him to the fridge but he grabs the spoiled milk instead of the fresh milk. That one. That movie. Is that “Minority Report?” Or is it “Vanilla Sky?” No, it couldn’t be “Vanilla Sky.” I never watched “Vanilla Sky.” Which is weird, because I usually watch all of Cameron Crowe’s movies. I even enjoyed “Singles.” But I never watched “Vanilla Sky.”) pop princess and former would-be wizard Selena Gomez had a kidney transplant recently, with the help of her best friend, Francia Raisa. (I thought Demi Lovato was her best friend. Hmmmm. I must be getting old. I can’t keep track anymore). 

Gomez suffers from lupus, and needed a kidney. The operation was performed earlier this summer.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez, post kidney surgery, pushes through the throngs of admiring fans. Paparazzi we surprised by the backless Dior hospital gown which put Selena’s surgery scar in plain view.

(Dammit, this is really going to bug me. I guess I ought to go and stream “Minority Report” and confirm if that’s the thing I’m thinking of. But it’s so depressing that his kid gets killed. I can’t watch movies like that anymore. I still haven’t watched “Mystic River” or “Gone Baby Gone.” I can’t do it. And I like Casey Affleck’s films. I say his films, because he clearly is a jerk. From what I’ve read. He was okay in “The Coward that Shot Jesse James” or whatever the heck it was called. That was a long movie, though. And as usual, Garret Dillahunt was good in that movie. He’s good in every movie he’s in. I really enjoyed him in “No Country for Old Men.” That was good. Incidentally, I asked around the office who would give me a kidney if I needed it, and suddenly everybody had a meeting to go to, even the interns. Except one intern, Matt. He said he’d give me a kidney. But that kid drinks Mountain Dew and Red Bulls non-stop. Like literally. Thanks, but no thanks, Matt.) 

But we wish Selena and her bestie, whoever she is, a speedy recovery.