City Of Karlsfield Looking To End Free Haircuts To The Homeless, Cites Loss Of Tax Revenue

Karlsfield reminds you...

Let’s face it: The homeless have had it too good for too long. Giving them free haircuts means less money for important bumper sticker initiatives.

Karlsfield, VT—A recent audit of the town’s coffers by an outside firm has found that the City of Karlsfield is losing nearly $2,000.00 a year in lost tax revenue by salons and barbershops providing free haircuts to the needy. And that figure isn’t sitting well with city leaders who are trying to balance the books.

The audit, which came in at a price tag of $11,450.00, found that nearly 80% of the hair cutting businesses in town had provided at least 10 free haircuts to homeless and disadvantaged patrons in the last quarter. “Granted, Karlsfield doesn’t have a large number of homeless. We aren’t Montpelier or Providence, (Rhode Island), you understand. But it’s the principle,” the audit concluded.

City Manager Kevin Miles said it isn’t a question of providing or not providing help to the needy, it’s “more of a question of, ‘Do you personally want to pay more taxes because the Town of Karlsfield is losing tax revenue from hair cutting establishments who aren’t charging for haircuts, and are therefore not contributing their standard tax base as outlined in Section 11, article 3B, subsection 7a of their annually-issued business license?'”

Miles said in an effort to get the word out and help save the town “and more importantly, the taxpayers money, we’ve had bumper stickers printed up to hand out for free that citizens can put on their Prius’ that express this very sentiment.”

The cost of the free bumperstickers was reported to be upwards of $17,500.00.

Miles said he has seen the problems in other cities when “accurate taxes aren’t paid timely and fully. First thing you know, it’s just a lemonade stand without the proper permits. Next thing you know, you’re looking at Detroit, with all the shuttered auto plants and other industries, and all the sudden, we can’t afford to pay our firemen and policemen. Not on my watch, mister. Not on my watch.”

Another New Single From Our Close, Personal Canadian Friend, Erich Mrak

saS69-n9_400x400Toronto—Christmas has come early, kids. From our pal Erich Mrak and TDQ to you, we present Erich’s third and final single from his debut EP, “V,” set to drop next month.  Over instrumentation produced by Bento, Erich demonstrates his ability to draw upon specific memories in “I Don’t” ft. Kelsey, as he explains how past experiences have impacted him. The black and white music video done by La Vie Motion pictures creates a nostalgic feel as Erich wanders around LA alone.

It comes with our highest endorsement. Naturally.

You are now informed. Go and do likewise.

Toy Company Executive, Football Coach, Drug Lord Robert Loggia Dies

Robert Loggia

Robert Loggia, left, met RCOIiL writer/director/actor Brian DiMaio, right in a screen test for a film that was never completed called “Small”. The movie was retooled and later released as the film “Big” with Tom Hanks playing DiMaio’s role.

Los Angeles—Prolific TV and film star and winner of the Saturn Award for his role in “Big,” Robert Loggia died Friday from Alzheimer’s disease. He was 85.

Loggia appeared on TV in “Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8,” for which he was nominated for a Cable Ace Award, “Malcom in the Middle,” for which he was nominated for an Emmy Award, “Mancuso, FBI,” for which he was nominated for an Emmy Award.

On the “Big” screen (see what we did there?), he was in “Unnecessary Roughness.” “Scarface,” “Jagged Edge,” for which he was nominated for an Oscar, “RECOiL,” for which he was not and like three or four “Pink Panther” movies.

He is survived by his wife of 33 years, Audrey; three children, Tracy, John and Kristina, and a stepdaughter, Cynthia.

TDQ Investigates: The Lousy Lyrics In Darryl Worley’s “Sounds Like Life To Me”

LifeThis latest installment of songs with lousy lyrics takes a closer look at Darryl Worley’s 2009 drinking buddy song, “Sounds Like Life to Me.”

This diddy starts off with Worley’s pal’s wife calling him up to help her track down her alcoholic hubby, who’s gone AWOL. So Worley successfully finds him, and his pal explains why his life pretty much sucks:

Sarah’s old car’s about to fall apart
And the washer quit last week
We had to put momma in the nursing home
And the baby’s cutting teeth
I didn’t get much work this week
And I got bills to pay

So, being the ever-sympathic friend that he is, Worley responds to his friend’s plight with:

Sounds like life to me it ain’t no fantasy
It’s just a common case of everyday reality
Man I know it’s tough but you gotta suck it up
To hear you talk you’re caught up in some tragedy
It sounds like life to me

What a friend. I’d be a drunk too, if my best friend said this back to me after I just poured my heard out to him.

After his friend, Johnny Ray, goes on to tell Worley that his wife may be pregnant with their (unexpected, mind you) fourth child, Worley ends the song without giving any helpful, meaningful advice to his buddy by condescendingly telling him:

Man I know its tough but you gotta suck it up
To hear you talk you’re caught up in some tragedy
Sounds like life to me
Sounds like life Continue reading

“In The End, We All Create Our Own Destiny:” A TDQ Q&A With Psychic Medium Thomas John

Thomas John

Thomas John

This week’s Q&A is with medium Thomas John. Thomas spoke to us about his new book, “Never Argue with a Dead Person,” tells us about the good news he sees for Hilary and the bad news he sees for George Clooney. Here is this week’s TDQ Q&A with Psychic Medium Thomas John:

The Daily Quarterly: How would you describe your childhood, growing up with your abilities?

Thomas John: Growing up with psychic abilities was at times very stressful. Of course, when you are a kid, you also don’t really realize that anyone is different from you. You think everyone is pretty much the same. So it wasn’t until I was 10 or 11 years old that I realized that I was a bit different from other children and family members. Up until then, I pretty much thought that this was something that everyone experienced. As I got older, I realized that not everyone has these abilities—or that they do, but for some people, they are not as strong as mine. While we all have the ability to be more intuitive and more aware, we don’t all have the ability to read for other people or pick up on energy for other people.

TDQ: What’s the best advice you ever received?

TJ: If you are talking about in the process of doing a reading, the spirit world and the energy that I work with is not really about advice. It’s more about them telling you, showing you, and sharing with you what they feel is your highest potential and highest good. For example, the spirit world may guide someone to become a writer or tell them they have an innate ability with words and writing. In addition, they will also share with them certain ways to remove blocks, self-esteem issues, or anything that might prevent them from going down this path.

TDQ: What’s the worst advice you ever received?

TJ: I can’t say the Spirit world has ever given me “bad” psychic advise or misinformation. Those that are on the Other Side, as well as angels, guides, et cetera, they all want what is best for us. They have an ability to sense and know what our highest purpose is and they have an ability to connect with what we need to hear and know in a certain moment. Sometimes the information might not be the easiest thing to accept, but everything that comes through the Spirit world is for our own highest good and personal evolution.

TDQ: What’s the biggest misconception people have about your abilities?

TJ: People often think that if someone has my abilities, they know everything—they know what is going to happen to them, they know what is happening in their own relationships and they know everything that is going to happen going forward. This really is not the case. As a psychic medium, it’s also very hard to read for myself, and I am not always able to get information about what is going to happen in certain situations of my life. Though psychics and mediums can provide great healing, knowing, and understanding through their readings, they are not all powerful, and they do not have all the answers, and they are not God. In the end, we all create our own destiny.

Never Argue with a Dead Person

Never Argue with a Dead Person by Thomas John

TDQ: Tell us about your new book, “Never Argue with a Dead Person”

TJ: The book is 15 stories about what happens when I help clients and friends connect with the Other Side. The stories happen in my office and out and about in my daily life. There are all sorts of different situations and experiences. Every story has an overall message that the deceased person shares with the person I am reading. I tried to create stories that had universal messages and messages that everyone could understand and relate to. I wrote it realizing that many people may never get to experience an actual reading, so I wrote this book to really explain my process and how all of this works for me. I tried to be as detailed as possible. You can buy it wherever fine books are sold. Continue reading