President’s Cup Team Taking A Page From Solheim Cup Team’s Playbook, Donning Red, White And Blue Face Paint And Hair Bows

President's Cup 2013

This year’s President’s Cup team is taking a page from the Solheim Cup team’s playbook and sprucing themselves up for the event.

Ponte Vedra, FL—Having decided they were impressed with the vibe and feeling exuded by the US Women’s Solheim Cup team this year, the male professional golfers competing in the 2013 President’s Cup team golf tournament decided they, too, would paint their faces in patriotic colors and wear USA-themed ribbons in their hair.

It will certainly be a different look, the US team captain said, but he got very excited once he could tell the team was acting as one in the decision.

“I wasn’t positive they would all buy into it, but once the boys saw Tiger (Woods) wearing an American flag sticker on his cheek, they were all in” said captain of Team USA, Fred Couples.

Couples said he decided to put all his cards on the table once the whole team was finalized, but had been toying with the idea for years before he was named captain.

“I, just, you know, was trying to think of a way to shake things up some, you know,” Couples said. “I had met Paula (Creamer, one of the members of the 2013 US Solheim Cup team) at a commercial shoot a while back, and we got to talking about the girls’ team spirit and who does whose hair before their matches. And it made me think. I mean, Phil (Mickelson) and Duf (Jason Dufner) have hair long enough to put red, white and blue bows and ribbons in, not to mention Sneds (Brandt Snedeker).”
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Leaked Photo Goes Viral; Is Hollywood Making A Pirate-Dinosaur Mash-Up Flick?

A Return To Practical Effects?

To some experts this image marks a return to practical effects while others (shady, unreliable nut jobs) suggest it’s just an Instagramed store shelf display. Needless to say, we are hoping for the former. In fact we already pre-purchased tickets for “Pirates of the Jurassic Park” on

Los Angeles—A recently-leaked picture of a toy pirate figurine sitting atop a toy dinosaur has gone viral and has set tongues wagging in both the blogosphere and the sci-fi communities, with both camps wondering if the photo foretells of an upcoming film adaptation or mash-up of the popular dinosaur and pirate film genres.

While no movie studio has come out and admitted leaking the picture, not everyone has denied leaking it, either.

A spokesman for Marvel Studios said, “Are you asking me if we are in development on a film about pirates fighting dinoaurs? Is that what you’re asking? I just want to be sure. Because the short answer is no, but the long answer is maybe.”

And many bloggers are hoping the pic is a prototype design for an adaptation of Axe Cop. “That would be epic. EPIC,” wrote Sid “Gandalf” Hirschberg, blogger for the site “Mr. Hermione Granger.” Hirschberg said he had been praying for an Axe Cop movie ever since he saw an Axe Cop t-shirt at Comic Con last summer. “I can only assume the hold up has been the division of merchandising rights.”

But whatever the outcome of the viral picture, everyone asked agreed they hoped this signified the end of CGI and a return to models being used in films, rather than all computer images.
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