Rumored Apple Accessory To Counter Increasing Android Screen Size


iGlass screen enhancer for iPhone.

Cupertino, CA – Before any scheduled Apple event the rumor mill cranks up to full speed as technology journalists compete to guess what might be up Apple’s sleeve. The event scheduled for September 10th, 2013 is no exception. Experts are predicting an incremental upgrade to the current iPhone 5 as well a new, less expensive iPhone variant. An updated 7th version of Apple’s iOS operating system, which has been available to developers hands for months, will power the new devices.

The iPhone 5 was the first iPhone version to see a larger screen size with an increase in height to match the 16:9 width to height ratio made popular by high definition television. All indications are that the iPhone 5 successor, 5S will use the same screen as the 5 and this has some analysts concerned. Expert Sonny Applebottom sums it up. “Android screen size and resolution is quickly outpacing offerings from Apple and people may no longer be satisfied with a 4 inch display no matter how many pixels it packs.”

The solution may come with an iPhone accessory that is rumored to be released with the speculated iPhone 5S. Source say the accessory will be called iGlass and it will increase iPhone screen size by a factor of two. With an effective size of 8 inches iGlass should give iPhone users an advantage over Android devices for the time being. Our source, to which we paid a handsome fee, claims the iGlass may put the screen enhancing technology at the end of an easy to hold handle. When we asked if consumers could expect a “wearable” version similar to Google’s “Glass” product our source responded with, “Oooh, yeah. That’s a better idea. I’m going to use that.”
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“I’d Entertain Audiences ‘Til The Day I Die:” A TDQ Q&A With Actress And Dancer Katrina Norman

Katrina Norman

While Katrina Norman may be a force of nature she has caused way less property damage than hurricane Katrina and is much better looking than Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf.

This week’s TDQ Q&A is with actress and dancer Katrina Norman. Katrina spoke to us about her work on VH1’s “Hit the Floor,” her plans for the future and following her gut. Here is this week’s TDQ Q&A With Katrina Norman:

The Daily Quarterly: Who was your favorite actress growing up? 

Katrina Norman: That’s a toss up between Julia Roberts and Lucille Ball.

TDQ: Who was your favorite dancer growing up?

KN: I had several influential dancers in my life but I can remember wanting to be just like Tina Caspary.

TDQ: What made you want to be in show business?

KN: I simply loved entertaining people!

TDQ: What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?

KN: Always follow your gut.

TDQ: What’s the worst advice you’ve ever gotten?

KN: Don’t follow your gut.
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TDQ Top Ten List: Top Ten Films That Were Totally Not Worth The Hype

admitnoneWe made the mistake recently of watching “The Deer Hunter” after years and years of hearing how great a movie it was. De Niro, Streep, Oscar for Christopher Walken, it had to be great, right? Wrong. Thus, we were inspired to come up with this list, the Top Ten movies that were not nearly as good as the critics would make you believe. Save yourselves the time and take the advice of this list, not another list compiled by an overpaid film critic. You’re welcome.

1)  “The (aforementioned) Deer Hunter”- The wedding and reception portions of this film took longer than my wedding and a good chunk of my honeymoon. Performances were decent, but get to the point, already.

2) “Django Unchained”- We love Tarantino, and that Austrian guy was really good, but this is another example of a movie being at least a half hour too long.

3) “The Big Lebowski”- Not a fan of dream sequences in most films, and dream sequences in bowling alleys are even worse. Unfunny, unentertaining and a waste of Jeff Bridges’ talent altogether.

4) “Blade Runner”- Sorry Harrison Ford fans, but he set the bar so high with “Raiders of the Lost Ark” that it was a total shame that he made this overhyped mess. By far his worst science fiction flick, and maybe his worst movie not co-starring Anne Heche.

5) “Argo”- Don’t feel bad for Ben Affleck boys and girls. He still got his Oscar when this 2 1/2 hour remake of The Beastie Boys “Sabotage” video won Best Picture.
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Blimey! Study Finds That Less Than One In One Hundred Americans Understand What Exactly Makes Up The United Kingdom

United Kingdom Quiz

Responses to the United Kingdom Quiz were varied, to say the least. One respondent just wrote “YOLO!” on the form in yellow highlighter.

St. Louis, MO—A new study published last week in a well-regarded geographical academic journal has found that a mere .7% of adults in the United States can successfully explain the makeup of The United Kingdom, and understand that, as Wikipedia states, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands.

Washington University’s Dr. Milton Stuckey and his team conducted the study, and while Dr. Stuckey said he “didn’t have astronomical hopes for the study” when he began, he was still “a little taken aback by the results, to be quite honest.”

Dr. Stuckey’s study found “one response that stated the person thought England was a city in London, which, while mildly amusing, is actually more sad than anything else.”
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