This week’s TDQ Q&A is with actor/director Oscar Torre. Oscar spoke to us about his upcoming role in “The Hangover 3,” what it was like directing his wife in a movie and how he discovered acting. Here is this week’s TDQ Q&A with Oscar Torre:
The Daily Quarterly: Who was your favorite actor growing up?
Oscar Torre: Sylvester Stallone. I wanted to be every character he ever played. My younger brother and I would go to the movies to watch the “Rocky” films, and then we’d go 15 rounds in the lobby of the theater, both claiming that we were Rocky. Later, when I started acting, it was Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. I really admired their dedication and commitment to their roles.
TDQ: What was your favorite movie growing up?
OT: The first three “Rocky” films.
TDQ: What made you want to be in show business?
OT: I kind of fell into it. I took drama as an elective in college, with no ambition of pursuing it as a career. I just needed 3 more credits to graduate and thought it would be an easy class. I quickly fell in love with acting but didn’t tell anyone for fear of being ridiculed. Once I started getting work, I felt a little more comfortable letting other people know. Continue reading