It's Destiny, Child! The Beyoncé Knowles Story starring Rihanna as Beyoncé and Denzel Washington as Jay-Z.
The film, which will be called “It’s Destiny, Child!,” is scheduled to begin production at the end of February.
It will chronicle Beyonce’s childhood, rise to stardom as a solo artist, and her current career as an actress, spokesperson and mother.
“We’re just terribly, terribly thrilled to be able to work with a wonderful professional like Rihanna in this film about a wonderful professional,” said producer Sid Black. “Everyone at Paramount Pictures is very, very excited to begin work on this project, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with any possible clandestine organization that Rihanna or Beyonce may or may not be a part of. None. Whatsoever.”
Michael McCullers wrote the screenplay to the film. He also co-wrote Beyonce’s biggest and best-received film, 2002’s “Austin Powers in Goldmember.”
“Michael has a great track record of writing strong-willed female characters,” said Black. “Between his history of great female lead characters like in ‘Baby Mama,’ and his close relationship with Beyonce, he was the perfect person to write this film.”
Black conceded the script did take some liberties with the facts of Beyonce’s life and career, “for dramatic effect. It’s true she herself didn’t actually land a plane in the Hudson River,” Black said. “And, she didn’t foil an assassination attempt on the Queen of England. But just imagine seeing Rihanna onscreen as Beyonce doing that! And in 3D, no less!”
Denzel Washington has been signed to play her current husband, Shawn Carter, also known as Jay-Z for some reason. Willow Smith will play Beyonce’s daughter, Blue Ivy, who was born January 7th.
The film’s soundtrack, which has yet to be completed, has already won an MTV Music Award.
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