Some students say Shawn Corey had trouble passing this bar because he spent too much time at another kind of bar.
Concord, NH—Most people celebrate after receiving the news they passed the bar exam, especially after having failed it eight times. But Shawn Corey had a decidedly different reaction. Two hours after receiving notice that he passed, he filed suit against the law school he graduated from in 2006.
“They clearly did not do the job my father paid them to do,” Corey said after filing his suit. “A lot of money was spent to the Franklin Pierce School of Law (now known as University of New Hampshire School of Law). Thus, ipso facto, it took me eight tries to pass the bar exam, when most of my peers did it the first time, or the second time. Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, I’ma get mine.”
Corey went on to blame the school for his failing scores the first eight times he took the bar, saying that he wasn’t “efficiently prepared” for the “difficultedness” of the exam, and that he has lost “several million dollars easy” in income since it took him “so long to finally get what’s mine.”
Corey said he should have passed the bar back in 2006 the first time he took it, and if he had, he’d be “halfway to a mansion in the woods and a hot wife.” Instead, he had to pay to take it eight more times, along with the cost of study material and various prep courses, “plus I had to shell out like, four grand for answers from this one dude, which didn’t even help at all.”
Representatives for the University of New Hampshire School of Law said they stand behind their curriculum, and are proud of their number four ranking in intellectual property specialty rankings by “U.S. News & World Report.” Also, they said, no one there actually remembers Corey being in class. However, their records do indicate that he did graduate in 2006.
“Yeah, well, they’ll remember me now, won’t they? And we’ll just see how much they end up forking over to me,” Corey said. “In flagrante delicto and nemo judex in sua causa. I’m counting my money already.”